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Warning Warning - The post Dog gets deliberately run over and killed by a minibus driver - Mexico might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.

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Uploaded On:Thursday 29th of August 2024

The death of a dog that was run over by a public transport unit on one of the streets of the Vista Natura subdivision on Wednesday morning has caused a strong outrage; different groups began sharing a video of approximately 37 seconds, recorded from a property, in which two experts are seen in the middle of the street just two meters from a person collecting cardboard on a tricycle; at that moment a unit of route 46 appears.

The bus turns around and enters the street, without stopping even though the two dogs are in front of it, one of them managed to move to the side but the other one did not and ended up under the unit; without stopping the van, the rear wheels pass over the dog and it drives away without any concern; the dog began to howl and in a few seconds it falls lifeless.

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