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Warning Warning - The post Young man is chased and shot dead while riding his bike - Goiás, Brazil might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.

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Uploaded On:Friday 2nd of August 2024

Images show when a car approaches the cyclist and one of the passengers gets out and shoots him several times until he falls to the ground.

A 24-year-old man was shot dead while riding his bicycle on a street in Hidrolândia , in the Metropolitan Region of Goiás. A video shows when a car approaches the cyclist and one of the passengers gets out and shoots him several times until he falls to the ground.

Security cameras recorded the crime. The images also show that even with him injured on the ground, another man gets out of the car, approaches the victim and shoots him several more times. They then flee the scene.

According to the Civil Police, the suspects of the crime have not yet been identified. In the images, they appear wearing caps and hooded sweatshirts in a white car.

The incident took place last Wednesday (31), at around 11:24 pm. The police suspect that the motive for the crime was drug trafficking.

The delegate responsible for investigating the case, Sérgio Henrique, said that he is awaiting the results of the expert report and will listen to the victim's family to continue the investigation.

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