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Man crushed to death by Spar truck following heated argument with teenage girl - South Africa
Uploaded On:Wednesday 24th of July 2024

The video footage reveals a tense altercation between an elderly man and a young girl. The elderly man is seen leaning against a stationary Spar delivery truck while the girl engages in a heated argument with him.

As the exchange intensifies, the girl walks away but suddenly turns back, seemingly provoked by something the man said. In a shocking turn of events, she kicks the man who is leaning on the truck just as it starts moving.

The force of the kick causes the elderly man to fall, and he is tragically crushed by the truck’s rear wheels. The devastated driver immediately halted the vehicle, but it was too late to save the man’s life.

The girl, seemingly comprehending the gravity of her actions, flees the scene in panic.

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