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13-year-old basketball player stomps on opponent's head during game - California
Uploaded On:Wednesday 24th of July 2024

The on-camera assault happened during a game between two Bay Area teams, Tumakbo United — a Filipino-American youth basketball team — and Payton’s Place at the College of Alameda on Sunday.

The victim, who plays for Tumakbo, caught the basketball from a teammate but is heavily guarded against his opponent.

He falls to the ground and loses possession, prompting both players to wrestle and pull each other for a chance to regain the ball.

But as the two players scuffle on the ground, a second Payton’s Place player runs over and forcefully stomps the opposing player’s head onto the hardwood.

The stomping ignited an immediate response from the referee, who blew his whistle and carried the brute off the court as other players and coaches swarmed him.

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