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4 injured after helicopter spins out of control and crashes to the ground - Atoyac, Mexico
Uploaded On:Tuesday 23rd of July 2024

They recorded the exact moment when a helicopter crashed on the Guadalajara-Colima highway, near the area known as Laguna de Sayula

On the afternoon of Tuesday, July 23 , a helicopter crashed in the Sayula Lagoon located at kilometer 56 of the Guadalajara-Colima highway , belonging to the municipality of Atoyac , which generated an intense mobilization by elements of Civil Protection of Jalisco .

Likewise, a video began to circulate on social media where the exact moment in which the helicopter crashed was captured.

On the other hand, the authorities indicated that there were four injured people , two of them in serious health condition. Meanwhile, the injured were transferred to a nearby hospital to receive the required medical attention. At the moment it is unknown what caused the aircraft to crash .

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