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Motorcyclist is killed after colliding with oncoming vehicle - Manaus, Brazil
Uploaded On:Sunday 21st of July 2024

A man identified as Antônio Eciomar Cordeiro de Souza died after colliding with a car on Sunday night (21) on Ayres da Cruz street, in the Santa Etelvina neighborhood, north of Manaus.*

According to preliminary information, motorcyclist Antônio Eciomar was speeding when he collided with Hebert Monteiro's car and was thrown meters away. The motorcyclist did not survive the impact of the crash and died at the scene.

Images from a security camera on Ayres da Cruz Street show the exact moment the motorcyclist comes towards the car. We can see that he was going the wrong way when he collided with the car.

So far, SAMU has been called to the scene.

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