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Armed bandit kills pharmacy worker and injured another during robbery - Michoacán, Mexico
Uploaded On:Wednesday 3rd of July 2024

The crime committed by two armed men occurred on the night of Monday, June 1, in a pharmacy located on San Francisco Avenue in Uruapan, Michoacán.

Uruapan, Michoacán.- During a robbery , a pharmacy worker was shot dead in the city of Uruapan , Michoacán ; another worker was also injured by a bullet.

The crime committed by two armed men occurred on the night of Monday, June 1, in a pharmacy located on San Francisco Avenue, in that city located 110 kilometers from the capital of Michoacan.

A video recorded by the establishment's surveillance cameras reveals the moment the criminals entered, the assault and the way in which they shot the employees before fleeing.

At the beginning of the recording, it can be seen that at 8:10:30 p.m., the assailants enter: one dressed in a white sweatshirt with a cap, torn jeans and black tennis shoes.

The other individual has half his face covered; he is wearing a light black and red jacket, jeans and white tennis shoes. Both criminals are carrying handguns.

Since they burst into the business, they have been threatening, both in words and with weapons:

“Let’s see, you son of a bitch, you’re going to give me what I want or I’ll shoot you. You have one second, one second, you son of a bitch. Open the cash register; open it; open it, you a**hole,” one of the criminals warns one of the employees who works at the cash registers.

A few meters away, the other criminal also points his gun at the other worker and within a few seconds, he fires his gun at the victim, who immediately falls to the floor.

The man backs away, trips over some toilet paper packages and heads towards his accomplice, who is still persuasive with the other employee. At 30 seconds, both criminals are pointing their gun at the second victim: “Open it and shut up, you son of a bitch,” shouts one of the assailants. The other, who had already shot the first employee, demands “the bills. Come on!” he emphasizes, before opening fire on the young employee.

Both leave the pharmacy. Inside the establishment, one of the workers dies immediately; the other screams in pain from the gunshot wound to her body. The other workers scream in terror and their colleagues try to help the injured victim, so one of them asks for a van to be brought to take her to a hospital.

The alleged culprits are arrested Reports indicate that the assailants-murderers fled to their homes, located in a nearby neighborhood, where they changed their clothes. One of the criminals was identified by his characteristics, but more so, by the tennis shoes he was wearing at the time of the crime, which he was unable to change.

The State Public Security Secretariat reported that in a coordinated action, it arrested two people, presumed responsible for the attack that occurred last night.

He said that a report of several shots fired in an establishment located on San Francisco Avenue alerted the security forces. He explained that upon arriving at the scene, his staff confirmed that a woman was dead and another had injuries, so he requested urgent medical assistance.

The SSP indicated that agents of the Civil Guard and the Municipal Police implemented a perimeter in the area to find the alleged perpetrators. During the deployment, the police officers arrested the two suspects on M. Muzquiz Street, from whom they seized a firearm.

Those now involved were brought before the relevant authority to determine their legal situation and carry out the established procedures.

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