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Truck driver is crushed to death after a lift gate malfunction - Russia
Uploaded On:Tuesday 11th of June 2024

A deadly tragedy occurred the day before in Pushchino; it resembled the script of a horror film. An absurd and terrible death awaited the truck driver in his vehicle.

It all happened next to one of the chain stores. The truck arrived to unload the goods, and the driver began to carry the products inside the retail establishment.

The footage shows a parked truck with its back doors open.

At a certain moment, the swing gates slam shut on their own, and the hydraulic transverse leaf begins to rise. At this moment, the man jumps into the opening, probably hoping to get into a small gap inside the van, but does not have time.

One can only imagine what happened to him next.

It is noteworthy that the disappearance of an employee in the store was not immediately noticed. According to eyewitnesses, the deceased’s colleagues went out to smoke and discussed where the van driver might have disappeared to. The terrible truth shocked everyone.

It is known that the unfortunate man was 40 years old.

The investigation is looking into the details of the incident.

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