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Police officer is shot and killed at a refuelling station - Barcarena, Brazil
Uploaded On:Sunday 11th of February 2024

​According to police, the officer's gun was stolen during the crime.

The soldier of the Military Police of Pará (PMPA), Lucas Henrique Aracati Saraiva, was shot dead in the early hours of this Sunday (11) at a gas station located near Trevo do Peteca, in Barcarena, northeast of Pará. Security cameras of the enterprise registered the criminal action.

According to the police report, a garrison was informed around 3:40 am that a military police officer had been shot at the scene. The agents went to the address provided and verified the veracity of the incident. Other vehicles were called, but Lucas was dead.

At the scene, the military police were initially able to determine that the soldier had stopped to refuel his motorcycle and stayed there. Four armed men arrived at the post in a car and shot at the soldier, who tried to run, as shown in the security equipment images.

When Lucas was already lying on the ground, the bandits stole his gun and even captured an employee of the gas station. Security camera images show that the criminals took the man into what appears to be the station's office and left with a backpack.

The suspects got into the Pálio model car and fled with the driver who was already waiting for them.The Pará Scientific Police (PCP) was called to analyze and remove the body.

The Civil Police reported that they are investigating the homicide case, through the Vila dos Cabelos Police Station, in Barcarena. “Witnesses will be heard and experts will be requested to assist in the investigations”, he announced. Information that helps authorities can be passed on to Hotline (181). The call is free, with guaranteed anonymity.In a statement, the Military Police reported that the soldier was the victim of homicide and had his weapon stolen. The PM carries out searches to find those responsible and offers support to family members.