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Man is beaten unconscious and robbed by three transgenders - Brazil
Uploaded On:Friday 19th of January 2024

A fight ended with the beating of a man who had his cell phone stolen in the center of Aracaju, in the early hours of this Friday (19). The information was confirmed by the Military Police.

Video shows different moments of the incident. In one of them, the man attacks a transvestite with an object. In another, three transvestites attack the man with slaps and kicks.

According to the Military Police, after being rescued by a team from the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu), he was taken to the Sergipe Emergency Hospital, in Aracaju.

The State Department of Health (SES) reported that the 47-year-old man arrived at the health unit conscious and oriented. He had abrasions and some bruises. He underwent a CT scan, was under observation and was discharged in the morning.

The Civil Police chief, André David, said that although there is no police report, the case will be investigated by the 2nd Metropolitan Police Station (2nd DM), which is the police station in the area where the images were recorded.

The Civil Police requests that information that could contribute to the police investigation be passed on to the Hotline (181). Confidentiality is guaranteed.