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Man was struck by lightning whilst having drinks with friends - Villa Mercedes, Argentina
Uploaded On:Sunday 7th of January 2024

The tremendous event occurred this Saturday in the early hours of the morning, when the city of Villa Mercedes was being hit by a strong storm. From what has been determined, the young man was with other friends on Avenida 25 de Mayo 1860, outdoors, drinking a few drinks, when suddenly a lightning strike hit him and left him lying on the floor.

It turned out that he is 26 years old and his last name is Berón.

His friends called the medical service that helped him and took him to the Verónica Bailone Hospital, where he was admitted with severe burns and was admitted to intensive care, with a reserved prognosis.

This Saturday at 11:30 the aforementioned hospital released the following medical report:

“The “Verónica Bailone” Hospital of Villa Mercedes reports that on Saturday, January 6 at 05:45, a 26-year-old male patient was admitted - who was allegedly hit by an electric shock -, with a diagnosis of type A and type AB burns. of 20% of the body surface in the area of ​​the abdomen and left thigh. He is currently hemodynamically stable and continues to be observed in the ICU due to the severity and magnitude of the accident. The patient is stable and controlled. If this continues, a move to the common room will be evaluated in the next 24 or 48 hours.”