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Two gang members murdered and found hanging from a bridge in Orellana, Ecuador
Uploaded On:Thursday 9th of November 2023

Two bodies were found hanging from the Payamino River bridge in the province of Orellana. The Police are investigating this violent event that has shocked the inhabitants of this Amazonian province.

A scene of terror has left many inhabitants of the Francisco de Orellana canton “petrified.” The reason is the discovery of two bodies hanging from the structure of a viaduct over the Payamino River.

According to people who saw the bodies, both had signs of having been violently murdered, as their bodies showed blood stains.

The residents of the Guadalupe Larriba, 6 de Diciembre and Flor del Pantano neighborhoods in Nuevo Coca are still amazed.

Many residents assume that people outside this area of ​​the canton hung the bodies in the early morning, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was resting.

After learning that two bodies were found hanging from a bridge, agents from the El Coca National Police arrived at the site of the discovery to remove the bodies.

Many citizens believe that these violent deaths correspond to settling scores between criminal organizations.

During the last holiday for the Day of the Faithful Dead and Independence of Cuenca, severalviolent deathsin Orellana.

Thesecriminal actsThey keep the community in anxiety, especially the inhabitants of the capital of the province, where there is a higher incidence of violent events.

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