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Biker attempts to overtake a car that matched his speed causing the biker to collide with a oncoming Truck
Uploaded On:Wednesday 6th of September 2023

An accident on Kendall Public Road in East Berbice Tuesday morning claimed the life of Ajay Ramchand, a 43-year-old motorcyclist.

The accident involved Motor Lorry #GAC 9627, driven by Leroy Jacobs, a 48-year-old of New Amsterdam, Berbice, and motorcycle #CK 5854, owned and driven by Ramchand of Ramphal Street, Nigg Settlement, Corentyne Berbice.

A statement from Police Headquarters noted that the lorry was proceeding east along the public road at a rate of about 65 KMP/H when motorcycle # CK 5854, which was proceeding in the opposite direction, overtook a car and, in the process, collided with the front of the lorry.

As a result of the collision, the motorcycle burst into flames.

The motorcyclist received injuries and was picked up in an unconscious state by public-spirited citizens. He was taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he was seen and examined by a doctor who pronounced him dead.

The body is at the New Amsterdam Hospital’s Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination. The Lorry driver is presently in custody, assisting with the investigation.