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Ambazonia rebels turn on two of their own, cut their fingers off and force them to eat it, Cameroon
Uploaded On:Monday 5th of December 2022
The Anglophone Crisis (French: Crise anglophone), also known as the Ambazonia War or the Cameroonian Civil War, is an ongoing civil war in the English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon, part of the long-standing Anglophone problem. Following the suppression of the 2016-17 Cameroonian protests, Ambazonian separatists in the Anglophone territories of Northwest Region and Southwest Region (formely known as Southern Cameroons) launched a guerrilla campaign against Cameroon Armed Forces, and later unilaterally proclaimed the restoration of independence. In November 2017, the government of Cameroon declared war on the separatists and sent its army into the Anglophone regions.