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Car rigged with explosives detonates when man opens his trunk, killing his 3 year old child in Russia
Uploaded On:Friday 2nd of December 2022
The incident happened on December 1 at 70 Komarov Street in the Sovietsky district of the city. According to preliminary data of the department, the cause was a gas leak followed by a fire in the car. A 3-year-old child died, a 52-year-old man was seriously injured. The official information of law enforcement agencies and emergency services does not speak of an explosion or cotton, it is about “ignition” and “ignition”, notes V1.RU. The publication, citing eyewitnesses, writes that the explosion occurred when the driver began to warm up the car. He started the engine, put the child in the passenger compartment, closed the door and walked away. During the explosion, the man was thrown back by the shock wave, he hit his head and lost consciousness. Neighboring cars caught fire (these moments were caught on video – they are published by the media and social networks). People who ran up to the car did not know that the child was inside, so they did not try to save him, eyewitnesses say. Video: V1.RU and social networks “I woke up at 07:45 from the explosion, there was a fuss in the entrance, I looked out, I looked, the car was on fire,” says one of the local residents. Four cars were burned in the parking lot. Glass was shattered in the house next door.